Measuring out a mere 16 grams of merino roving per glove...

...and laying out a verrrrrry fine layer of fiber on side one of the resist.
...and laying out a verrrrrry fine layer of fiber on side one of the resist.
With only two meager layers per side...'s important that you lay the wool out as evenly as possible.

Removing the resist, mid-way through felting.'s important that you lay the wool out as evenly as possible.
Removing the resist, mid-way through felting.
The finished gloves (at first)...
The 'computer corner' of my studio is very near a window...
...and it can be a bit nippy to work here during the colder months.
I'd often thought that a pair of fingerless gloves would be a nice thing to have...
...and now I've finally gotten around to making myself a pair!
Based on the 'mid-week sharing' of Marjolein Dallinga's class at 2011's 'Fling'...
...I endeavored to recreate their project, but with the addition of short 'fingers'! :)
Since the felt needed to be quite soft and flexible...
...I tried hard to make the wool layers thin enough, but still even.
To be sure, there are some areas on each glove that are a bit too thin...
...but, luckily, the ruching provides a bit of camouflage! :)
After 'test driving' them with all of the 'fingers' at first and finding them constricting...
...I removed all but one ring of felt (for the middle finger) on each glove...
...and now they're much more comfortable (and still stay 'on'!).

Such bright color to cheer up in a winter day. I've done mittens but too thick. Can't believer only 16g can make one. Is the shrinkage 30%? I must try your template. Do you rub again after inserting in the "pool noodle". I just want to do something ruffle look like yours. Thanks.
Fingerless gloves and arm warmers make more of a difference than people expect, don't they!
Terriea. Maybe 40 percent,even. No rubbing after it's pinned on the then, it's already finished and I'm just shaping it to dry.
Rachel...such a difference!
Very nice gloves! i'm going to make mittens too, but there is no idea of colour and design. Ruffle mittens will be perfect, I think. Thank you!
I love the ruching. And using the pool noodle is genius. I have been recently felting inside out like you so often do, I am finding I get a better finished product when I am adding lots of texture! So thanks for all of the tips and tricks, it is paying off in my finished projects!
Heather these are gorgeous and i absolutely love the color you used xo
Love your cheerful yellow Heather, and the ruched arms are very elegant! What a shame to go to the trouble of felting all the fingers to end up cutting them off.. I'll bet that was pretty fiddly.
At least you will be warmer and comfy now x
I like the idea of just having the middle finger loops. I knitted some with no fingers but then kept sliding down when I put bigger gloves over the top. The middle finger loop would stop that!
Thanks to you all!
Kelly...I'm happy to hear that the inside-out method is working well for you!
Oh, I've got to try making some of these! Great idea, thanks for sharing.
Becky--With some of your lovely brown roving, they'd make beautiful unisex gifts, wouldn't they? XXO-
I really love the designed you used here....!!!!!
Fingerless Gloves
Thanks, FG!
Thanks so much for letting us know how much wool you used! It is so much nicer than guessing!
You're very welcome, Elizabeth. It's probably the only project in my blog with listed wool weights! ;)
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