Friday, February 12, 2010

Winter Wonderland!





Having grown up in Cleveland, I know a little bit about snow...

...I can drive in it, and I've shoveled more than my fair share over the years.

This Philadelphia snow, however, is something to be reckoned with!

With fewer occasions to use them, the townships buy fewer plows and use less salt than in the Midwest.

Suffice it to say, it's been a loooooong week of much fancy manuvering in my car...

...and lots of shoveling.

It is gorgeous, though, especially with the sun shining on it today.

This project is a nuno scarf, made with custom-blended wool.

I made some pretty teal batts, applied them to a silk scarf blank...

...and felted it in the usual manner...

...(lots and lots of rolling!) Grin.

It's a thank you gift (along with the synthetic one from the other day) for a
teal-loving blogger friend...

...but more about that later.

Hope you are all safe and warm and dry today...

...the girls and I are done shoveling (for now, anyway!) and back inside, making dried cherry and almond cookies and homemade macaroni and cheese! Yum!
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Kim van Waardenburg said...

a beauty Heather!

PeggyR said...

Love the colors and blending that you used. What part of OH are you in. We're in Independence...between Akron and Cleveland.