In Part 2 of this project...
...I neglected to mention that I enlarged the original opening of this vessel...
...then sealed the edges (with soapy fingers) prior to final felting.
Because some of the silk selvedge 'ribbons' were a bit loose in places...
...I did a little hand-sewing, once the project was dry.
The grey-on-grey tone of the vessel really pleases me...
...and I'd like to use this combination again in the future.
I envision this vessel as a plant holder (with inner glass or plastic liner)...
...or as a 'catch-all' for odds and ends on a dresser or table top.

...I neglected to mention that I enlarged the original opening of this vessel...
...then sealed the edges (with soapy fingers) prior to final felting.
Because some of the silk selvedge 'ribbons' were a bit loose in places...
...I did a little hand-sewing, once the project was dry.
The grey-on-grey tone of the vessel really pleases me...
...and I'd like to use this combination again in the future.
I envision this vessel as a plant holder (with inner glass or plastic liner)...
...or as a 'catch-all' for odds and ends on a dresser or table top.

That is super sassy! I like the bottom especially your photos in part 1 where you show the thicker felt being placed.
Here's a question. When I was with Jone and she showed me how to use prefelts, we did some hand stitching prior to felting...could/would that be smart to do for that open or is finger manipulation still better?
Andrea--I'm not sure I understand your question exactly. Hand-stitching on pre-felt is always a wonderful fact, my next project has a LOT of it! :) If you mean that you would fold the pre-felt over to seal it and make a nice edge, that might work very well, but I haven't ever done it. XO
Really lovely Heather.. its such a cute cuddly bag :) Love the grey on grey tones & sewn footer.
This is a triumph! Well done!
I've been watching the progress pics of this project, and I love the finished vessel! I'd use it as a bag (of course).
Deborah--Hahaha...for you and I there are only bags, right?!? XO-
Rachel--I'm so glad you like this one! :)
Denise--Hahaha...join the club with Deborah and I!! XO-
OOO Heather i love it as a bag to, it looks really strong and be gorgeous sitting on a dressing table xo
Love the grey tone and the skill of making it. That would also be used as handbag.
Karen--Thanks! It is a pretty sturdy piece. :)
Terriea--I agree...I've made a larger one in a slightly different fashion for use as a purse that's a Christmas gift (so I'll post about it a bit later!)
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