The completed 'male' scarf...
...and the completed 'female' one.
Comparing the two scarves, side by side...'ll see that cutting slits in the pre-felt (which I later open up into
...results in a slightly
wider and
shorter scarf.
Note: the actual color is a bit more grey than these photos show.
I'm pleased to say that my quite
inexpert dye job on these scarves...
...resulted in a variegated look that I like very much.
I find it interesting that merely
manipulating the felt with slits at the pre-felt stage...
so alters the final dimensions of the project!

I'm not the biggest fan of the color blue, but they look stunning to me. The color appears very vibrant and intense. I really like it, very much. I do wish you would take a photo wearing the scarf though, so we would get a better idea of how it looks around the neck. My imagination doesn't work as well as yours does. LOL
The variegated colour gives the projects so much more life, doesn't it...
Sandie--I think your imagination just works differently than mine. :)
Rachel--You're right, but this was just a happy accident! :)
Wow! Those holes really did let the fiber open up and felt more. I am always fascinated how slight manipulations will change a whole design.
Andrea--I'm not sure that the openings caused it to felt more, exactly...since they both had a fully felted feel at the end. I think it's more of a 'physics' kind of looking at a flat onion bag, and then stretching the slits open to enlarge it. :) XO-
I love the intricate design of the female scarf!
Very the color.
Oh wow, how lovely! I really like the one with the holes, it is so cute!
It makes sense to me that the slits (being opened up into holes, especially) would alter the dimensions of the finished object, but I might not have thought about it ahead of time! They look great!
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Wow! These turned out great! I would never have thought of manipulating felt in this manner, but is sure worked well.
The female version is lacy and airy, very pretty! I like the variegated effect too.
Thanks, all! The feminine one is my favorite, too. :)
Fabulous color!
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