...and the back side with felted-in closure loop.
Trimming excess felt from the purse flap prior to stitching.
The front of the finished purse after stitching.
A white lining makes it easier to find things! :)
The 'design side' of the purse with hand-dyed pink leather strap.
The bag with secured front flap.
The heart design in close-up.
As much as I appreciate that you all took the high road in your Part 1 comments...
...I'm finding it difficult to ignore the 'elephant in the room' two posts in a row.
Yes...I'm fully aware that the 'in process' photos of this project have a rather...erm...anatomical look to them...
...but I think you'll agree that the resulting purse is quite tasteful! :)
Giggles aside, I really wanted you to see exactly how this purse was constructed...
...since I think that the resulting flap is worth the...well...resulting flap~!!
After removing the resist and letting the piece dry...
...I trimmed away extra material from the flap to make it easier to fold and stitch.
I top-stitched around the opening to the purse and the entire flap...
...then made holes in the purse (front and back) for the leather handle.
I stitched a pleat into the center of the flap...
...to make a scout neckerchief kind of closure for the bag.
BTW: I used Scarlet Rit Dye in my washing machine with a piece of deer hide...
...to get the resulting pink leather for this project.