Showing posts with label merino/silk blend roving. Show all posts
Showing posts with label merino/silk blend roving. Show all posts

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Beaded Drawstring Jewelry Bag- Part 2 of 2

My beautiful cousin...

...hard at work! ;)

                                                                As she rolls...

                                      ...the bag begins to shrink and to get thicker.

                                              The project is turned right-side out...

                                 ...and the foam underlayment resist is removed.

                                                Notice how well the wool yarn...

                                              ...felted into the surface of the bag.

                                                            During fulling...

                                            ...the layer of coarser, hairier wool...

                                ...migrates through the finer silk and merino layer...

                                      ...resulting in a slightly marbled appearance.

                                         Cutting slits for a leather 'thong' closure.

                                        Threading a long, narrow strip of leather...

                                               ...through the slits in the felt bag...

                                              ...and adding a metal 'jump ring'...

                                            help hold it closed.

                                                     The finished jewelry bag.

                                                          Well done, Wendy!


Friday, August 14, 2015

Beaded Drawstring Jewelry Bag- Part 1 of 2

Drafting a foam underlayment resist...

                                            ...and adding decorative elements...

                                             ...fashioned by my cousin, Wendy.

                                                     (For the center spirals...

                   beads are threaded onto a piece of wool yarn.)

                                  A layer of blended silk and merino roving is added...

                                          ...and the project is flipped to side two.

                                             Wool that extends from side one...

                                    wrapped around the resist...

                                               ...and the process is repeated.

                                    The top of the bag is folded down on each side...

                                      ...and a layer of coarse wool roving is added.

                                                    Mid-way through felting...

                                   ...the edges of the project are beginning to curl...

                              the bag begins to shrink on the resist.

                           Next time: my cousin's 'sweat equity' begins in earnest! Grin.

Monday, June 1, 2015

'French Press' Cozy- Part 2 of 2

The fully felted project...

                                         turned right-side out...

                                  ...and a strip of green leather is added as a loop...

                                                      ...for ease in removal.

                                Because of the way that the orange wool is laid out...

                                                 ...there is a clear delineation...

                                                   ...between the green layer...

...and the orange one.

Friday, February 15, 2013

"In For A Penny, In For A Pound" Wet-Felted Hat

Laying out circles of merino wool...

...and covering them with luscious merino/silk blend roving...

...dyed by my friend, Joan Berner.

Flipping the resist to side two.

The fully wrapped (open) resist, prior to felting. 
Fulling the finished hat.

Applying clamps to 'fix' the shape while drying.

Removing the clamps.

Sewing a hem in the finished hat.

Two years ago...

...I made a wonderful hat under the tutelage of my friend, Dawn (a master hat-maker!).

Unfortunately, after wearing it throughout my trip to Germany in December...

...I somehow managed to wash it in the washing machine with a load of trip laundry! :(

Seeing as I had already 'tested the waters' with my previous two projects...

...I decided to throw caution to the wind and make another one...

...this time, for me!

Since I desired a soft, pliable hat that could easily be shaped...

...I laid out very thin layers of merino/silk blend roving.

I'm afraid that the finished hat is not quite rigid enough, however...

...because it didn't retain its 'telescoped' shape, once it had been worn a couple of times. (Alas!)

Next time: I go a little too far in the other direction...

...and make a really thick hat.

Drats...hats!!! ;)

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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Sleeveless Nuno 'Dryer Felt' Jacket- Part 1 of 5

Nienke and Annemarie help me to stretch out dyed Mawata silk hankies.

Next up: a layer of hand-dyed silk gauze (in two colourways)...

...followed by a layer of wool roving. 
Edging the piece with a bright pink splash of merino/silk blend roving.

Soaping and wetting out the project...
...then adding a second layer of hand-dyed silk gauze.

More stretched silk hankies...

...and smoke rings of dyed tussah silk...

...make for a real 'fiber sandwich'!!! :)

Since I never know exactly what I'll get up to in a felt-making workshop...

...I always try to pack a few orphaned supplies from my stash cupboard... see what might become of them in an unfamiliar setting! :)

For my class in Portugal, I took along pieces of silk gauze that I had hand-dyed some time ago...

...both with natural, cake icing dyes and with synthetic, acid dyes.

You'll notice that the colors start out quite wild-looking...

...but the icing dyed sections will fade quite a bit by the project's end.

Since this is another dryer felt project...

...I began with a layer of thin plastic on the table surface.

Nicola is a big fan of putting designs on both sides of her nuno felt projects...

...and now, I am a convert to this idea, as well!!

Starting with quite widely stretched-out dyed silk hankies...

...I made designs on the surface of the plastic.

A layer of silk gauze, one of wool roving and another layer of silk came next...

...then more silk hankies and a smattering of tussah silk fiber circles.

Next time: the project is rolled up and felted in the tumble dryer...

...and a piece of felt is 'born'!! :)

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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Portugal- Pinky-Orange "Dreads" Purse- Part 2 of 2

Dampened pieces of silk and merino roving are used to form spirals.

Here they are, all in place, and after a bit of rubbing.

The finished purse front...

...and back.
At home and in a different light... can better see the alternating pink and orange 'dreads'...

...and how a bit of blocking made for a nicer overall shape.

Now, I just have to figure out what kind of strap to make for it... 
...any ideas?!?!

I really enjoyed making this purse...

...and the (new to me) 'dreads' technique is one that I'm sure I'll use again in the future.

Unfortunately, it has joined a small pile of WIPs...

...and I'm anxious to figure out what to do about the strap so I can finish (and use) it!

I have some pink leather left over from an earlier project...

...but I think the color might be a bit too washed out.

A darker leather, perhaps...

...or something braided?

What about a felt cord...

...or a narrow denim (or other fabric) strap?

If you have an opinion, idea, or suggestion that you'd like to share...

...please leave a comment on this post.

I feel certain that a little inspiration from you...

...might be all I need to get 'unstuck'!! :)

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