...and various other 'interesting' fibers from my stash.
Layering sections of batts...
...and adding silk yarn and blobs of dyed tussah silk.
...fulling the felted piece.
Cutting pieces from the finished felt...but for what?!? :)
Much like a teenage girl who is 'so over' some of the garments in her wardrobe...
...and wants to cast them off in favor of the newer and more fabulous...
...I was feeling this way recently about some of my stashed fiber.
Being of a 'waste-not, want-not' mindset, however...
...I tried to think of a new and fun way to use up this 'less-favored' fiber...
...so that I can play with my newest acquisitions with a clear conscience!! :)
So, I spent a couple of days with my drum carder...
...churning out batts made from many of the orphaned fibers in my stash.
I even used some fibers that I know to be difficult to felt...
...blending them with other 'known felters'. :)
I only stopped when the piles of batts were threatening to avalanche...
...and began laying out sections for my latest flat felt projects.
I added stripes of silk yarn in two different colors...
...and blobs of dyed tussah silk for shine.
I think you will recognize the blue 'translucent window' felt that I used in my cube project recently...
...but can you guess what I've made with the pieces in this last photo?
Next time: all of your questions will be answered...
...well, maybe not the existential ones. Giggle.

I think I would have a lot of fun with a drum carder too. Especially with the pounds of Alpaca roving I have. The thought of spinning 10 lbs of one color is more than daunting. How much more fun would it be if I could card it with other fibers to make something totally different and unique. I would guess you had a lot of fun putting your colors together and seeing what came of each attempt. And now you have lots of batts to make several wonderful items with. I can barely wait to see what you do with it all. LOL
You're doing a Christmas tree?
Sandie--Uggghh...10 pounds of one color would be discouraging!! :)
Grazyna--Good guess, but no. :)
Sounds like fun!
Rachel--Yes...lots of room for experimentation!
I do that too :) Drum carders are wonderful things! You certainly have a lovely lot of interesting flat felt to play with there x
Deborah--Yes...with my new drum, I can throw all kinds of interesting things in there, now!! :)
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