Showing posts with label insect. Show all posts
Showing posts with label insect. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

An Unusual House-Guest!

What looked at first like an oddly shaped shadow on my living room curtain... back in the front yard where she/he belongs! 
"We interrupt our regularly scheduled blog post...

...for an Insect Update!" Giggle.

Looking out my front window mid-day yesterday...

...I noticed a strange shadow on the lace curtain.

Could it be?

Why, yes! A praying mantis was actually inside my house!

I guess the light brown color was as close as she could get to white. :)

After gently trapping her in a large, lidded container... daughter and I placed her back into the front yard, from whence she came.

Although she wandered off before I could get a photo of her in her new, green camouflage...

...having her 'visit' was an exciting treat on an otherwise dull day!

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