...here in close up.
The back side of the finished shawl...
...and the front.
Some close ups of the finished color additions...
...but they are not quite 'true', color wise...
...since the actual color of the shawl is closer to this.
In true cobweb fashion...
...this scarf sports some 'open areas'...
...read 'holes'. :)
I've taken photos over a couple of days, now...
...but some are too washed out, and some are too green!
Suffice it to say that the true color lies somewhere in-between...
...and I think it would look pretty with lots of different jackets.
If you would like a chance to win this shawl...
...please leave a comment on this post (if you haven't already on Part 1)...
...and I will add you to the list.
I will close the drawing at Midnight (EST) on 11/27/11...
...and will announce the winner on 11/28/11.
Good luck!

a beautifl cobweb, and it seems so light and fluffy, hope the winner will have loads of pleasure wearing it!:)
Shawl is beautiful.I really like it
Best regards
Hi Heather,
Whenever I take a picture with my iPhone the blues and greens are not the true color, either. For those items I drag out the "big dog" which requires the extra step of taking out the chip and transferring the pictures to the computer.
Are you using your phone to take pictures?
O, Heather, the finished shawl is gorgious! hugzz...peebee
That shawl is beautiful! I wondered if the flax would felt in but I guess just like any fiber, as long as the wool is "trapping" it in, it will stay. I have some flax I purchased to spin...along with hemp but I haven't yet. It's the whole spinning wet that just doesn't seem pleasant but I am sure once I experiment it will be. Ah, now I'm off on a spinning tangent. Have a wonderful holiday weekend.
Riet and Grazyna--Thanks!
Elizabeth--No...it's my good Olympus. We've had the kind of bright light lately that's really washing out my colors in the front room, though...weird.
Andrea--I've had great luck using flax as an 'embellishment' in my felt. Kim (Vilt a la Kim) sent me some a couple of years ago in a swap and I just LOVE it!! Spinning it, though?!?! That's a whole 'other' layer of complexity!!! Go, you for trying it!!!
The shawl is lovely, a great shape. Have you tried using a more grey background to get a better picture colour?
Maggi--What a good idea! I'll try it the next time I'm having problems.
Love the shape of this! Greens and purples seem to be the hardest for me to capture true colors with a camera.
I've already commented on Part 1, but green is always a difficult colour to photograph. Have you tried taking the photo outside?
Kelly--It's weird...I usually have more trouble with red. I blame the light here this week! Giggle.
Rachel--Yes...outdoors would be a good idea, too!
Really? You are giving this beautiful shawl away?!? I get so much inspiration from just reading about your projects; I think I would swoon if I actually got my hands on one. - Margaret
Margaret--Thanks...I've added you (along with all of the other 'commenters') to the list. XXO-
A big work for the shawl. A vrey pretty wrap to put on this winter. Winner must be glad to have it.
So so pretty.
If you've got a setting on your camera for 'white balance' try playing with that. You might find a more accurate depiction of the colour of your shawl.
Just sayin....
Lois--"White balance", eh? You mean I'm going to have to pull out my manual and actually read it?! :)
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