...with my friend, Dawn, who was visiting from Michigan at the time. (Yay!)
Filling in the outline...
...and adding my own hand-spun orange yarn around the perimeter.
Wrapping wool around the yarn to make a firm edge...
...here, wetted out and seen in close-up.
While my friend, Dawn was here in August...
...we took the time to make a few projects together.
I'd been wanting to make another cobweb shawl (even had a particular shape in mind)...
...and Dawn was gracious enough to help!
It's always a treat for me, having someone to felt with, but Dawn is especially entertaining...
...the only 'down side' being that I often had to stop working to clutch my side for breath from laughing so hard!!
We laid out a single layer of variegated fresh green and yellow roving...
...then carefully placed a length of orange hand-spun yarn close to the perimeter.
We added a second layer of roving just to cover the yarn...
...and folded the roving over the yarn to encase it.
Because this time of year can be especially stressful...
...(especially for those of us who make handmade gifts for holiday giving)...
...I am offering this shawl as a give away.
You are welcome to keep it...
...or 'gift' it...as you see fit. :)
Please leave a comment on this post, or Saturday's post (11/26)...
...and I will add your name to the drawing.
Next time: the finished shawl...
...and a very Happy Thanksgiving to all of my American readers!! XXO-

although i love the cobweb, i'm not participating for the give away, i already have a lovely purse. good luck to all the others:)
Thanks, Riet!!
Happy Thanksgiving, Heather! I'm cooking today, but hoping to sneak away in the afternoon and lay out a hat while the others are in a turkey induced coma.
Thanks, Elizabeth!! You're so funny! Have a wonderful day, and I hope you DO get to sneak away for a bit!! XXO-
Another give away?!?!? Wow! Of course I'm in. Can't wait to see the result!
OOOHHHH, I love cobweb felted shawls!! I only try cobweb on little candleholders, but once I wil have the courage to make a shawl. And until then... I wish I win your shawl! Fingers crossed xxxxxx hugzz...peebee
Ok...so it's Elizabeth, Mattie and Peebee so far on the list for my drawing. :)
Add me to the list. I have not seen this shawl but I love the shape.
Thanks, Linda--You have been added!
I'm adding my two cents worth too. Anything that helps to keep the cold at bay is worth having. Besides, I love the things you create, and can't wait to see the finished shawl. Count me in too. :)
Oh my gosh... I love friends that make your sides hurt. lol.
I'm looking forward to seeing the finished shawl.
Happy Thanksgiving!
I'd love to put my name in the drawing! but why do you need to give it away? I'd love to hear how you come about this shape too, such a unique piece.
Sandie and Kathryn--You've been added to the list!
Vivian--I wanted to have a shawl that would fit around the neck comfortably and hang down in the back...so that was the genesis of the shape. As far as my 'needing' to give it away(!)goes...I hardly ever keep anything that I make. Mostly everything goes to friends/ children, or as swaps or give- aways...so I'll add your name to the list as well. :)
Good morning dear friend ... Just catching up on my e-mail and favorite blog posts;-) Imagine my surprise to see that I'm the featured guest, along with the cobweb wrap;-) Oh, that brings back such wonderful memories...Was such a grand time. Of course, being with you, one can not help but have a grand time! You know my sides were aching, too, from all of the laughter;-))) The laughter is a bonus...You are a gift to me. Hope you know how much I adore you.
I am glad that I met your blog. I look at your pictures. Maybe once Learn to do a cobweb.
I greet with affection
Grazyna--Thanks for stopping by! Both you and Dawn have been added to the list for the drawing.
It looks so cheerful and springlike - looking forward to the new year!
Thanks, Rachel!
Hi heather,
it’s a lovely leafy cobweb shawl can’t wait to see the finished shawl.
Fiber Art
Thanks, Eva--It's posted now, so check it out and see what you think!!
gutted I only just discovered your blog, your shawl is fab. I'm spending way too much time trawling your archives
TM--Hahaha...I hope you will find something in my posts that helps. Remember that I am always here for questions if you need something specific, too~
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